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school of new media art and technologies

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Short courses

Self-study and with curatorial support

Approx. Duration 10 h./course, 15 courses

Different curators

Courses focused on achieving quick practical results in a specific area.

Hou2Touch course

Self-study and with curatorial support

Approx. time 100 h., one course

Main curator: Stanislav Glazov

On this course, using Touch Designer and Houdini, you will acquire knowledge that enables you to create content for your projects.

TouchDesigner 101: Extreme I

TouchDesigner 101: Extreme II

TouchDesigner 201: AV LIVE using Ableton & Modular Synths

TouchDesigner 202: AV Streaming

TouchDesigner 203: Developing Media Server

TouchDesigner 204: Real Lights in TD & GrandMA

TouchDesigner 205: VJTool

TouchDesigner 207: Terrain Pipeline

TouchDesigner 301: 2D GLSL - Procedural Graphics and Postprocessing

TouchDesigner 302:  SOP on GPU - Geometry Shaders

TouchDesigner 304: Script SOP - Building own geometry Tools

TouchDesigner 305: C++ API Intro
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