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Modular generative design 

Author's course

by Roy Gerritsen from y=f(x) lab

Modular generative design 

Author's course
by Roy Gerritsen from y=f(x) lab

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In this course

Roy Gerritsen from y=f(x) Labs will explore Modular Generative Design for Immersive experiences via TouchDesigner.
You will expore and deploy a modular way of thinking that will empower you to build a simple yet engaging instancing system to illustrate the possiblity offered by TouchDesigner.

The aim

is to provide workflow for utilisation in your bigger projects and systems. Via this course you will learn how to setup your 3D scene to get a professional looking result and to control this system with various inputs to allow for endless creative possibilities.




4 weeks

Your skill level





1 lesson per week


Online, Curated

Who needs this

Motion Designers Media Artists 3D Artists VR / XR Producers NFT Artists Interactive Developers Musicians VJs Max/MSP Enthusiasts Designers

Roy Gerritsen

Roy Gerritsen (1980) is founder and creative director of Boompje studio. A small design boutique build on passion and focused on music-related visuals.

After graduating (with honors) from the Utrecht school of arts (HKU), Roy devoted his time to music visualization. First through the medium of print (doing design work for cd covers, party flyers and vinyl sleeves) and slowly moving into the more complex medium of animation, motion graphics and creative coding.

He is driven by his passion to innovate and determined to create a synergy between design and technology. Roy is co-founder of the newly formed Amsterdam based, yfx lab and currently is focusing on building generative design systems within TouchDesigner.

Tim Gerritsen

Tim Gerritsen (1982) has been flipping bits ever since he was able to touch a keyboard. Starting on the Commodore 64 in the late 80s, his interest grew from computer security and webdevelopment to artificial intelligence and creative programming.

As a creative coder, Tim helped realizing several installations for clients like Coca-cola, Philips, T-mobile, Volvo and BMW.

He's the co-founder of the newly formed Dutch studio yfx lab and is mainly focussing on the development of TouchDesigner c++ plugins, GLSL shaders and system architecture.

Tim is also actively involved in the development of TDNeuron, an opensource machine learning framework purely written in TouchDesigner using GLSL.

Tim Gerritsen currently lives in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

By the end of this session, a successfull student wil be able to:

Identify the benfits of a modular workflow approach inside Touchdesigner
Encapsulate big projects by dividing them into smaller chunks
Configure, setup and deploy a template file
Explore ujsing the MVC model

Examples of y=f(x) works
Existing similar projects from the landcsape
Exploring end results
Template examples
How to separate your workflow (control / engine / ui / world etc)
Re-using components
Example of basic instancing setups
Instancing via chop / top / sop

By the end of this session, a successfull student wil be able to:

Setup and configure an instancing system with chops
Build & use custom parameters
Design and create a simple UI
Explore how a couple of parameters can create unlimited variations

Instancing system using chops
Adding custom parameters for control

By the end of this session, a successfull student wil be able to:

Identify how to configure and deploy light systenms
Configure and deploy pbr materials
Utilsie ambient occlusion
Utilise post fx to create a more photorealistic result

Render setups
Using lighting
How does pbr work
Roughness & metallic PBR
Multi render passes
Post fx

By the end of this session, a successfull student wil be able to:

Design and build a unique "design" tool
Explore the use of minimal parameters to create unlimted variations
Sepearte inputs from the core functionality
Explore how a recursive patch can bring complexity in a simple way

Data as input
Using noise
Multi layered control
Preset systems
Connection with exeternal sources (midi keyboard / ableton / mouse)

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